Friday, July 31, 2009

now it's time to say goodbye to all our company

I think that Hunchback of Notre Dame has the most underrated soundtrack of all Disney movies. It has that sort of John Williams epic sweeping score that makes you want to cry. The bells and organ music is sure to give you shivers. Hercules is another one that has some great epic music. Go the Distance? C'mon! Even if you loathe Michael Bolton you have to admit that's nearly as wall climbing inspirational as Final Countdown. I think if I ever met Alan Menken I would give him a hug, say thank you, and walk away.
Today is the last day of the Blog Every Day in July Challenge. I'm grateful that Sam put me up to it because it got me to writing again, though I have to say how disappointed I was at how boring and uncreative I am. It's healthy to get thoughts out right before bed. I think this is more for my benefit than anyone elses. I miss xanga in that way. It was more like a diary and I'm sure there are things documented there that I have completely forgotten. Again, I really wish I would have blogged when I was in Florida. There have got to be some amazing, hilarious, and cringe-worthy moments that have escaped my memories forever.
Today is awesome because I found a nice new ambient XM radio station at work. And I also painted my fingernails red.
And on that completely facinating note, I bid July adieu!


  1. "Grateful" always gets me. Why isn't it "greatful?" I can't think of any other examples at the moment, but that's just weird. English language, you are weird.

    Also, I disagree about "Go The Distance"'s wall-climbing inspritational tone. It IS inspirational, just not wall-climbingly. It's very subdued. It's inspirational in a subtle way, one that makes you go "I want to climb a wall and I certainly could climb a wall but I'm just going to sit here and ponder the motives behind the climb." And that's scientific.

  2. Hmm... cringe-worthy CP moments? I can think of one! Still have not laughed so hard since!; )
