Thursday, July 2, 2009

pirates don't cry!

Super cool hero Jackie Chan
His latest movie the critics did can
He could kill with one stroke
But now he was broke
Forced he was now to live in a van

But that sly fox came up with a plan
It would require a change and a tan
His name would be Klaus
He'd go work for the mouse
Voila! Transformed into Jackie Pan!

Yes? No? Well I think so, haha.

Kendal and I had a date night tonight (his idea). I love that kid when he isn't being an asshat. We ate Qdoba and watched Nick and Nora. Good times all around.

I had the strangest little girl in the store today. Her mom was apparently in yoga class (why would you bring your 5 year old to that?) and she came next door to play. Sarah had stopped by and we were chatting on the couch. She came and plopped herself right down between us with a stack of books and decided to lend her thoughts to the conversation. She had no problems letting her opinions be known. It was both hilarious and a tad uncomfortable because she kept scrunching up to me and was practically sitting on my lap. She started playing with the big key on my necklace and asked if it was to my house. Our conversation went as follows:
Me: It's not to my house, it's to something secret
Her: WHERE?!?
Me: My treasure chest
Her: Can I see it?
Me: It's at home...buried in the backyard
Her: Oh. Can you bring it later?
Me: I don't want the pirates to see it.
Her: Are you a pirate?
Me: I'm not wearing an eyepatch so I can't be a pirate
Her: You might have one at home
Me: Maaaaybe
Her: HAH! You ARE a pirate!
Me: Okay. But I don't have a peg leg. Pirates have peg legs.
Her: (peers down at my feet)
Me: (lifting my pant legs) See? Two normal legs.
Her: (seriously) Well, I'll give you that one.

I was trying so hard not to laugh at this point I think I might have cracked a rib. We kept going back and forth. Me saying I didn't have a bandanna or a big hat etc. and her insisting that I kept them in hiding. I finally let it slip that I had one back at home and she knew for sure that she had caught me. I made her promise that she wouldn't tell anyone that I was a pirate or the bad pirates would come for my treasure. She solemnly swore. And I trust her.

Currently Reading:
The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By by Carol S. Pearson PHD. (facinating...pffft)

1 comment:

  1. You're a pirate? You never told me that! And here you are, blabbing secrets to strange little girls. I thought our friendship meant something!! All these years, wasted.
