Saturday, July 18, 2009

moses supposes his toeses are roses

This is what greeted me as I came in the door from work this afternoon. Instead of screaming and chucking my keys at him in a hopeless attempt to knock him out I rolled my eyes and asked the figure what he was doing. I assumed it was Kendal standing there but instead I found myself talking to our hat rack dressed up in a sweatshirt, wranglers, and a ski mask. Clever. Interestingly enough, I normally scream at everything that startles me. EVERYTHING. Just ask Sam. I think I didn't this time because I'm pretty used to my brothers or dad jumping out and scaring me when I walk in the door. However, I was informed that this guy was waiting for me in the shower this morning...let's just say it is a damn good thing I took a shower last night. I'm fairly positive I would have died of a heart attack. Oh brothers.

I watched the musical Damn Yankees with my mom tonight. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. We were betting on who would crack first and turn it off. We got through it and laughed for a good five minutes afterwords at how terrible it was. I love my mommy. It's nice when she is distracted from being depressed about her unemployment.

I'm way too excited to sleep in tomorrow. And Music Man sing-along at the Kress! FUN!

Oh yeah! Today is awesome because I found a fingerpuppet of Francis the bulldog from Oliver and Company in my grandma's basement and she let me keep it. He's adorable. Today is also awesome because Hugh Jackman exists.


  1. You kinda neglected to point out that the coat rack has a FREAKING KNIFE.

  2. PS: Moses supposes erroneously.
