Wednesday, July 8, 2009

eat my shorts

This is kind of what my lady parts have felt like for the past two days. TMI? Well TDB!

Today was awesome because I was peer pressured into purchasing a Pixar's UP green bag for under $2 and I'm very glad that I was.

Let's make this a quickie since I'm about ready to pass out from exhaustion (weirdly enough since I've had God knows how much caffeine today).

Today's Highlights in Sports:
-Muppets make everything better
-Our trip to see a non-existant Disney Outlet store was futile
-there are really really crappy stores at the Westminster Mall
-there are too nice of stores at Flatirons Mall
-I want a cute fitted plaid shirt ala ones from Abercrombie and Fitch but 1. They were much too expensive, 2. They were folded much too nicely to be disturbed, 3. somehow I doubt their idea of XL and my idea of XL vary slightly, and 4. The smell of the perfume they spray in there would probably never come out.
-someday Sam and I are going to stalk rich people's houses
-The Gunther Toodies waitress was weird, hyper, and far too dilligent with Pepsi refills
-Gummi Bears was way cooler back in the day
-The Jobros are adorable but really suck live on tape
-Youtube rocks

And I think that about covers it.

There is one little thing I adore
That I’ve never told you before
It makes me blush
So please keep it hushed
It’s peeing at night without a closed door

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