Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I am a cute leetle bumblebee!

Happy Hump Day! AND Happy First Day of the Blog Every Day in July Challenge!

I am far more excited than I should be to switch over my calendar every month. Its like getting a brand new poster! I love it. This month is Fira the light fairy from the original Disney Fairy line. LOVE! She's purty.

I'm sick. I have a lovely sinus infection (that ironically started taking effect after I started taking antibiotics...I had absolutely no symptoms, got checked out for a plugged ear, ended up having the infection and they put me on meds about a week ago and now I want to die). There is no way that a body can produce this much snot. Seriously. I am so sick of being a mouth breather. For one thing it reminds me of the creepy guy from Hey Arnold and it also makes my lips chapped beyond reasonable belief and my throat's dryyyyyy. UGH.

Sometimes I wish I still had itunes because
1. It made categorizing my songs easy peasy lemon squeezy
2. I would love to know how many times I've listened to "Another Believer" by Rufus Wainwright and "Dela" by Johnny Clegg. They are my happy shower songs.

Today I:

-found myself completely unintentionally going 55mph in a 35mph zone on the way to class. Yikes.

- am going to go see The Proposal

-ran out of my hair cream and foundation

Want to know a little known Mel fact? I love limericks (especially the dirty ones). Love to read them, hear them, and write them. I actually used to write them (or haikus) in classes when I was bored and out of things to doodle. Shall I make one up for you now?

There once was a girl named Samantha
Who wanted orange chicken at Panda
I am now a bit sick
from the one shaped like a dick
Guess I should go get advice from Alaska

Thoughts? Should I try to do one every day or is this complete poo and you don't want it stinking up this already incredibly interesting blog on a daily basis? I can only imagine that one person would get it anyway haha.

Today is awesome because we got tickets to the Demolition Derby! YEEEEEHAW!

Currently Reading:
How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines by Thomas C. Foster (lively and entertaining?...hmmm)

1 comment:

  1. UM, daily limerick = YES. I love that my name kinda rhymes with Panda and Alaska.
