Monday, July 27, 2009

worse than dragon breath and acne

I'm cranky today and I don't know why. Nothing really prompted me to be pissy I just woke up in a bad mood. I usually find Professor Worley charming and quirky but I just found him annoying today. Like he asked about the dragon in The Hobbit and we as a class replied that it was Smaug (Smog) he said no. We all kind of looked at each other, confused. He replied that the dragon's name was Smaug (Sm-ow-g). WTF. How does he know? And even if Tokien himself had told him it was pronounced in that way (which I wouldn't doubt) it's not like we got it wrong. It wasn't that big of a deal but it irked me so much that I was surly for the rest of the class.

I should probably watch Hook or something. No one can be in a bad mood while watching Rufio prance around in cut up leather pants and an uptight Robin Williams get slingshoted into a vat of rainbow mud.

However, I feel like the day has gotten progressively better. Nina has asked for her days off to come visit which means it's really happening! I'm so excited to show off my glorious state to an out of towner. I'm trying to think of inexpensive things to do. Hopefully something in Denver and definitely some mountain time. I was trying to think of things to show her in Greeley and all I came up with was the Kress and Walmart.

Today is awesome because Caleb came home from a church trip to New Orleans and was so excited to inform me about all the boobies and hookers he saw there.

Currently slogging through:
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.

1 comment:

  1. I was grumpy today too for no reason. Guess it was just one of those days.

    Brilliant idea: Triple V + Nina? If so, tell her to pack some nerdy hiking clothes!
