Wednesday, January 13, 2010

touch my monkey!

I wore leggings under a skirt for the first time since probably 4th grade yesterday. It made me feel like doing this:

Or this!

I'm not quite sure why leggings equal full on leotard bodysuits for me but they just do.
They were actually very comfortable and I felt much better wearing an at the knee skirt without so much breeze. We all know how delicately ladylike I am. Ahem. I also paired them with my rad new acid green Doc Martinish rainboots. I felt oh so 1991.

In other news I feel like this semester will be pretty good. My big bad senior class is really going to be challenging but the other two are freshman courses with loads of busy work which I don't mind. What I do mind is actually having to be in the classes with freshmen. It's like high school all over again. I feel so old! One girl was talking about celebrating her 18th birthday in Hawaii last summer.
I also have a lot of down time this semester which is good. Especially for the amount of reading it calls for. I'm going to try extra hard to run on the treadmill EVERY weekday, no exceptions. Especially between now and vacation which gives me a very small goal that I can deal with.
Graduation (FINALLY) is in 3 months and 3 weeks. Moving to Florida will be in approximately 3 months and 3 weeks. It's both terrifying and ridiculously exciting once you break it down.

Even closer is going to Florida on vacation in 2 weeks from tomorrow!!!

Currently Attempting to Read:
Cosmopolitanism by Kwame Anthony Appiah

1 comment:

  1. So, I watched Joe Jonas shake it again and that video never fails to make me snort with laughter. Then I watched the Beyonce video and felt thoroughly exhausted for her and those dancers. I think I function pretty well in heels but I would fall the hell over if I tried to do those moves.
