Friday, July 24, 2009

hockity pockity wockity wack

Can it be next year now? I am ready to leave for Florida NOW. Looking at apartments and figuring out where they are just makes the whole thing a reality. I can't wait. Although I truly am terrified for such a big step I think that having Sam, Zach, Nina, and Bella there will make everything a lot less scary. However, to be perfectly honest, I think I'm more afraid about leaving my family (i.e my dad and grandma) for their sake. Of course I'll miss them but I'm more worried about them worrying about me. No one else in my family has ever done this. They stay close to home. Like my mom said, they have never felt the need to stretch their wings and fly away. They have always been content where they are. I feel the need to experience something bigger than living at home until I meet the right guy, get married, and move into a house no more that 5 miles from my parents' house. The end. It would be so easy to do that. So easy to get a Masters degree, get a job as the head of the children's department at Farr, and stay there for 35 years until I retire. I have to force myself to not take the easy route.

Do one thing every day that scares you.

Today is awesome because I got to hang out with two of my favorite people on earth. And because I'm fun-sized.

Currently Reading:
The Hobbit or There and Back Again by JRR Tolkien


  1. Aw, thumbs up for fun-sized!

    And you know what else I just thought of? You said you would take Kendall to Disneyland as a graudation present. Well, now you can have him be sent to our lovely home in Florida and take him to Disney World!

  2. Woah, just had a brain fart - Kendal with one l or two? Haha.
