Monday, May 17, 2010

let loose from the noose

I missed April! Sad day.

The end of April and this month have kind of been glomped together anyway. Everything has happened at once. I got the internship, leased my first apartment, and finally graduated. I must say that I'm excited about all three, but the first two have been on my mind a bit more than the others. Nothing has really sunk in yet, however. I guess it probably won't until I actually step in to my own apartment and start my first day of being an event planning coordinator intern...or something, haha.

For now, my priorities have been set on packing up all of my STUFF. I literally have been sitting on my bed or laying in it when I wake up in the morning every day and looking around my room and getting horribly overwhelmed at the amount of stuff I have accumulated in my lifetime. I hesitate to call it shit because it isn't to me. I surround myself with things that make me happy. I like living in a TGI Friday's but I think it's time for a change. I am really limiting myself with what I'm allowed to bring with me. Most pretties are staying. Same with books. This accounts for about 75% of my possessions. It is my goal to leave my room fairly spotless. I was most definitely inspired by Sam's meticulous cleaning of her bathroom.

I keep being worried that my room is going to be tiny and that the pictures and whatnot aren't all going to fit. Then I get really excited when I remember that a third of the apartment is mine to do what I wish with. :D

Ann threw a going-away party for me at the store this evening and I actually had a really good time. It was mostly family and customers who have become friends. Do you ever stop and feel grown up? I felt that way today. I played Suzie Hostess and introduced people to other people who I thought they could talk to. I carried on conversations with no awkward pauses with real grown ups! I would have never done that so effortlessly five years ago. I felt poised and gracious. It was rah-ther nice!

My favorite part of the evening (except for the cake which is unfortunately making me sick sick sick) was getting a little grape soda pop lid pin from my aunt and cousin ala UP. It came with a cute little note that was just so "us". Trinity started getting teary and then I started getting bleary eyed and then my aunt started sniffling which made for a triple blonde cry fest right there in the middle of the store. Sigh. I'm such a goober but it was just such a sweet little handmade and thoughtful gift.

3 more weeks until I head out. Adventure is out there!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


By the numbers:

53: The number of days since I applied for Professional and Management Internships

1: Letter of rejection I have received for the Operations Management position

3: The amount of internships I am still in the running for

0: The number of emails (rejection or otherwise) I have received about above positions

3-5: The number of times I check my email and the professional internship facebook site a day
3: The number of times I have revised my online resume

7: The days a week that I have either a headache or upset stomach due to stress

2: The number of days from being April

33: The number of days until the final notice date of May 1st

Sigh. This sucks.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

little town full of little people

Just a quickie update before I pass out.

Today I had an interview for four professional internships to Disney World. Afterwords I felt really really good about it but, as always, I found the things in the situation to be stressed about and proceeded to do just that. So I've talked today to about anyone who'll listen. Talking it out is always best for me. I can come to my own solution with someone saying an occasional "uh-huh" and nodding their head. Sam is excellent at this. She knows exactly when I need advice and when to let me keep rambling until I inevitably answer my own question.

I also talked to Ann, and for some reason her advice just stuck. There is nothing more I can do. Nothing. I have done everything I possibly can and have done it right. I've worked for Disney in two capacities. I excelled in both of those. I've reached out and used my connections to help get my name out there. I've developed a killer resume. I applied promptly. I was prepared and did the best interview that I could possibly do. None of the rest of it is in my hands. If I fail, it is not because of me. It's completely their decision. She told me to let it go. And I think I have. This tight feeling I've had in my chest since before they posted the interships is pretty much gone. Of course, I'm still nervous. Immediate life after graduation will be altered by whether I get it or not. But I'm not constantly wondering "what if I had put this in my resume" or "why did I say that in the interview?" Instead, I'm digging the whole fate thing. Whatever will be will be.

I feel good. How about you poppet pies?

Currently Reading:
Dark Whispers by Bruce Coville (happy memories!)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

touch my monkey!

I wore leggings under a skirt for the first time since probably 4th grade yesterday. It made me feel like doing this:

Or this!

I'm not quite sure why leggings equal full on leotard bodysuits for me but they just do.
They were actually very comfortable and I felt much better wearing an at the knee skirt without so much breeze. We all know how delicately ladylike I am. Ahem. I also paired them with my rad new acid green Doc Martinish rainboots. I felt oh so 1991.

In other news I feel like this semester will be pretty good. My big bad senior class is really going to be challenging but the other two are freshman courses with loads of busy work which I don't mind. What I do mind is actually having to be in the classes with freshmen. It's like high school all over again. I feel so old! One girl was talking about celebrating her 18th birthday in Hawaii last summer.
I also have a lot of down time this semester which is good. Especially for the amount of reading it calls for. I'm going to try extra hard to run on the treadmill EVERY weekday, no exceptions. Especially between now and vacation which gives me a very small goal that I can deal with.
Graduation (FINALLY) is in 3 months and 3 weeks. Moving to Florida will be in approximately 3 months and 3 weeks. It's both terrifying and ridiculously exciting once you break it down.

Even closer is going to Florida on vacation in 2 weeks from tomorrow!!!

Currently Attempting to Read:
Cosmopolitanism by Kwame Anthony Appiah